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A step to electricity

The “Zaev – One Society for All” foundation once again supports innovative and beneficial youth engagement.

Iva, Mateo, Jovana, Stefan, and Vlatko are students at the municipal high school “Mirko Mileski” in Kicevo, and together with their mentor, chemistry professor Roza, and their expert mentor – Sofija Stojanoska, are currently executing a group project entitled “A step to electricity.”

The project involves tiling the small school hall with special “Pavegen” tiles that will generate 720 kWh of electricity and save 64,800 denars yearly by way of the students’ and school staff’s daily walking. Bearing in mind that the project group has 2000€ at its disposal from the global UNICEF-UP-SHIFT project, is supported by the Swedish government and the Fund for Innovation and Technology Development, and is under the auspices of the LEAD organization (Leaders for Education, Activism and Development), our foundation has decided to assist the realization of this project with an additional financial donation.

Well done to Kicevo’s high schoolers and their mentors. They merit our congratulations and unrelenting support for “A step to electricity”, especially since they are executing it in the midst of an energy crisis.

A penny saved is a penny earned. Even the smallest steps move you forward

Zoran Zaev

Founder and director