Our Blog

Support for Strumica Veterans in Volleyball and Basketball

The "ZAEV - One Society for All" Foundation, now in its third year, continues to be a steadfast supporter of Macedonian sports clubs and athletes, both within the country and [...]

Donation for organizing a chess tournament for visually impaired individuals

Supporting vulnerable groups, including individuals with disabilities, is a key priority for the "ZAEV - One Society for All" Foundation. Recently, we extended a helping hand to the Sports Club [...]

We sponsored the Third International Children’s Theater Festival “Igor Madjirov”

The "ZAEV - One Society for All" Foundation continues its tradition of sponsoring international festivals and cultural initiatives. Following our support for notable events such as the "Ohrid Summer" festival, [...]

In collaboration with the Municipality of Strumica, we awarded scholarships to talented primary and secondary school students

Investing in talented students is investing in the future and development of our society. Such an investment by the Municipality of Strumica and the Foundation "ZAEV - One Society for [...]

Support for the International Hackathon – “NASA Space Apps Challenge”

"Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is also a profound source of spirituality. Science is like a candle in the dark." This quote by Carl Sagan—an esteemed American [...]

We are supporting the production of video messages on children’s rights and responsibilities

When we say "One society for all," we also mean a society for all ages, including children. This is the reason the "ZAEV - One Society for All" Foundation is [...]

Support for the organization of the sports event “Policijada”

The two-day central sports event "Policijada," organized by the Regional Independent Union of the Police, recently concluded in Ohrid, with over 400 participants participating. The "ZAEV - One Society for [...]

The successful performance of Macedonian pianists Maznejkovi in Slovenia was espoused by our Foundation

There is nothing quite like offering unreserved and wholehearted support to young artists who achieve remarkable success both at home and abroad, while simultaneously promoting Macedonian culture and art beyond [...]

A book published in memory of President Boris Trajkovski with the support of our Foundation

"God Bless Macedonia." This is the title of a book honoring the second Macedonian president, authored by Sveto Stamenov and Biljana Tanevska Spirovska. It was recently published by "Studentski Servis" [...]

Food, clothes, and school supplies for children in foster care

A key focus of the "ZAEV - One Society for All" Foundation is its commitment to humanitarian efforts that sustain society and smaller communities via material and non-material aid, as [...]

We sponsored the 32nd Chamber Theater Festival “Risto Shishkov”

Art and culture are a reflection of our very being. By nurturing them, we nurture ourselves. With this belief at its core, the "ZAEV - One Society for All" Foundation [...]

“The Spoiled Prince” spoils the children of Strumica with the support of our foundation

Our citizens deserve respect, attention, and wholehearted support, but children merit all that and more. The "ZAEV - One Society for All" Foundation, with dedication and love for our little [...]

Our foundation – sponsor of the “Ohrid summer” festival

The "ZAEV - One Society for All" Foundation remains a dedicated supporter of traditional cultural events that showcase the finest Macedonian and global cultural values, thereby internationally affirming the Republic [...]

Supported by the Foundation: Up to Seven Awards in Italy

Recently, the vocal group “Music Soul” from the Citizen Association “Vnimanie” from Gevgelija, returned from their trip to the Italian city of Rimini. This visit was made possible with financial [...]

Financially supported the successful participation of Strumica high schoolers in an international mathematics competition

The "ZAEV - One Society for All" foundation, as it has done many times before, once again supported talented students who successfully affirm Macedonian education on the world stage. This [...]

Financial support for the Strumica volunteering fire fighters society

Global climate conditions are just one of the reasons for the increasing occurrences of floods, fires, and other natural disasters that pose significant threats to human lives and material goods. [...]

Donation for the „Tanec“ Ensemble

Supporting the Ensemble for Folk Songs and Dances "Tanec" goes beyond mere one-sided assistance and cooperation. It is both a great honor and pleasure to extend our hand because "Tanec" [...]

The International Conference on Peace and Sustainable Development as a global forum for the power of diplomacy and dialogue in times of crisis

From the 17th to the 18th of June, the International Conference on Peace and Sustainable Development took place in Athens, organized by the Zaev - One Society for All Foundation [...]

Supported the Second World Conference for Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation

"Today, the need for dialogue and religious tolerance is greater than ever, and this need significantly impacts global security like never before. We should continue to make an effort to [...]

Support for the Third “Classic International Strumica Festival”

Strumica, one of North Macedonia's most celebrated cities for international cultural events, stands as a significant cultural center in the country. Alongside the Strumica Carnival, the International Strumica Art Gallery, [...]

Support for the Fem Camp for young educators

The support and development of civil society is one of the key program activities of the "ZAEV - One Society for All" Foundation. As part of this commitment, our foundation [...]

Financial Support for the Second Macedonian Pedodontic Congress

Promoting health, well-being, and appropriate healthcare are among the principal goals of the "ZAEV - One Society for All" Foundation, as outlined in its "ZAEV Public Health Awareness Program." As [...]

12 medals for the Macedonian fudokan karate federation and Strumica karatekas from KC „Shihan“ at the European championship in Slovenia

The director and members of the "ZAEV - One Society for All" Foundation are extremely proud to see their support and sponsorship bearing fruit. This was evident in the sponsorship [...]

Laminate donated to the Konche kindergarten

A preschooler's proper growth and development should be at the forefront of societal priorities. Respecting this notion, the "ZAEV - One Society for All" Foundation recently donated laminate flooring to [...]

Espoused the oil wrestling tournament in Kuklish

The citizens of Kuklish commemorated the religious holiday Atanasovden, celebrated annually on May 15, in honor of their patron saint, St. Atanasij, through a series of activities. The "ZAEV - [...]

Support for macedonian educators at the international educational conference in Banja Luka

Recently, thirty esteemed Macedonian teachers returned from Banja Luka after participating in the International Educational Conference organized by ANN_EX_YU from April 4 to 7. This significant event, held in Bosnia [...]

Donation to Shtip shareholders from the association “Way of youth”

The "ZAEV - One Society for All" Foundation, following a previously established donation agreement, has provided financial assistance in the amount of 60,000 denars to the Association of Action-Volunteers "Path [...]

Financial support for “The masked concert” by music school “Boro Djoni” Strumica

The "ZAEV - One Society for All" Foundation remains committed to supporting educational and cultural activities that affirm, popularize, and uphold values of social significance. In line with this commitment, [...]

Two donations made to institutions in Skopje and Tetovo in a single day

The phrase "one society for all" embodies inclusivity and encompasses individuals from all walks of life, irrespective of their ethnic, religious, social, political, or other backgrounds. This inclusivity extends to [...]

Sponsorship for the Union of Fighters from NOAVM to Commemorate the 80th Anniversary of Liberation from Fascism

With deep regard for the cherished values and rich Macedonian history, and with recognition of the manifold contributions of past generations to our society, the "ZAEV - One Society for [...]

Dedicated donation for DUCOR “Partenija Zografski” – Skopje

It is with profound satisfaction that the Foundation "ZAEV - One Society for All" extends its support through dedicated financial resources to specific educational institutions. However, our gratification is amplified [...]

Financial support for the therapeutic community “Pokrov”

The Foundation "ZAEV - One Society for All" has decided to affirmatively respond to the cooperation request from the "Pokrov" therapeutic community as part of the initiatives stemming from two [...]

Sponsorship for the inaugural Macedonian cyclist – participant in the European Championship

In addition to the donation of an ambulance to PHI General Hospital - Strumica, one of the first activities of the Foundation "ZAEV - One Society for All" in this [...]

Donation of an ambulance to PHI General Hospital – Strumica

The "ZAEV - One Society for All" Foundation remains committed to advancing public health, which was a cornerstone of our previous year's program as well. As a result of the [...]

The youth should be loud and active

The youth is having the mission to be an active part of our society and to encourage the youth to be loud about their rights, to fight for their ideas [...]

Pre-holiday energy with love, empathy, and humanity

The New Year and Christmas holidays don’t just come to those who consider themselves privileged. They equally embrace everyone who considers them a part of their self. With kindness and [...]

For a more humane society

The Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia remains a synonym and inspiration for humanitarian activity to prevent and alleviate human suffering. The actions and dedication of the volunteers [...]

300 food packages provided for socially vulnerable families

Together we can do a lot, together we can do everything. This resonates deeply as we stand united once more. The 'ZAEV - One Society for All' Foundation, in collaboration [...]

40 Medical Screens Donated to PHI General Hospital Strumica

The care for individual health should always align with the care for public health. Building on this fundamental belief, in 2023, the "ZAEV - One Society for All" Foundation dedicated [...]

Recognition of our foundation – Major sponsor at Junior balkan olympiad in informatics

Between November 25th and 29th, North Macedonia, specifically Strumica, hosted the 16th Junior Balkan Olympiad in Informatics, organized by the Association of Informatics of Macedonia in collaboration with the esteemed [...]

For a free and civil society

Journalism is a responsible and public profession. Democracy and the freedom of a society depend on the freedom of speech of journalists and the media. The Republic of North Macedonia [...]

Donation to the Macedonian police

Today,  November 6, 2023, the Zaev Foundation made a contribution to the Ministry of Internal Affairs by donating six motorcycles that will strengthen the capabilities of both the Ministry of [...]

Sanja Arsovska, successful мacedonian actress

Acting, as an Art, contributes to the popularization and presentation of the tradition and culture of our country and creates a bridge for cooperation and harmony between people. The Macedonian [...]

Donation for JZU Uneversity clinic for degistive hirurgy

Sometimes, small contributions can significantly enhance the quality of life and societal progress. This rings true with the recent contribution made by the "ZAEV - One Society for All" Foundation. [...]

Presentation of scholarships to 68 exemplary primary and secondary school students from the municipality of Strumica

A wise proverb teaches us that "The most beautiful thing in the world is a child's smile." Yesterday, at the Strumica Art Gallery, this was multiplied by 68, thanks to [...]

Another donation to SOS Detsko Selo

As a non-profit organization committed to social responsibility and dedicated to charitable and humanitarian causes, the "ZAEV - One Society for All" Foundation continues its support for "SOS Detsko Selo." [...]

Bitola bowling team “Pelister 1982” shines at NBC Cup in Croatia Sponsored by Our Foundation

The "ZAEV - One Society for All" Foundation, known for its unwavering commitment to supporting a wide range of individual and collective endeavors across various domains, lends its support to [...]

Financial support for the International Theater Festival “Saint Joakim Osogovski 2023”

The "ZAEV - One Society for All" Foundation remains committed to bolstering cultural endeavors, initiatives, and traditional events that promote the cultural values in the Republic of North Macedonia, thereby [...]

Karateka Puliksenija – our newest success story

This month, we are continuing our "Success Stories" series, where we showcase inspiring examples of young individuals who have demonstrated that hard work and dedication can lead to success in [...]

Donations for students at POU “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Novo Selo

People are inherently equal and deserve full respect and attention. I n the spirit of recognizing this, the “ZAEV - One Society for All” Foundation recently carried out a meaningful [...]

Scholarships for students pursuing degrees in youth work

In adherence to its programmatic principles, the "ZAEV - One Society for All" Foundation champions, endorses, and advances its vision in the realm of youth education. In pursuit of this [...]

A nine-month scholarship opportunity for exceptional primary and secondary school students

The "ZAEV - One Society for All" Foundation, in collaboration with the Municipality of Strumica, is proud to announce its commitment to granting scholarships for the academic year 2023/24 to [...]

Supporting the 30th anniversary of “Ohrid Fest”

Promoting and preserving Macedonian cultural creativity, particularly in music, remain central to the programmatic efforts of the "ZAEV - One Society for All" Foundation. Consequently, this year our foundation is [...]

Supporting the “PRESPA” newspaper for the Macedonian community in Albania

The "ZAEV - One Society for All" Foundation, driven by its core goals and principles, extends its unwavering support towards many humanitarian and charitable endeavors. Consequently, the foundation actively backs [...]

Support for the first Macedonian Analog Astronaut

The "ZAEV - One Society for All" Foundation continues its support for young open-eyed dreamers who possess a strong vision and believe in their ability to achieve success and adapt [...]

Alexander’s success story

The poppy, as part of the Macedonian tradition, is returning to our agricultural fields. Aleksandar Dimitrievski is proof that hard work, creative ideas and faith are the foundations for success in agriculture. Through the support and promotion of the [...]

Monetary prizes awarded for the best essays

On the occasion of two significant anniversaries, namely the 5-year celebration of May 5, known as the Day of the Macedonian Language, and the 70th anniversary of the Macedonian Language [...]

We present to you the third episode of “Success stories”, SAU Tigar

Being a police officer means being loyal to one's profession, performing all tasks honestly and responsibly, and being an example to all citizens. The police are our uncompromising guardians of [...]

“Planting health” with the Ministry of health

One of the foundational pillars of the “Zaev - One Society for All” foundation is its Program for a healthy environment, which includes measures to increase green spaces. As part [...]

A series entitled “Three Days in Lerin and Mala Prespa” has been espoused

In celebration of the Day of the Macedonian Language on May 5, the “Zaev - One Society for All” foundation provided financial support for the creation of a four-part series [...]

Monetary prizes were awarded for the best essays in the Contest organized by the “Krste Misirkov” Institute of the Macedonian Language in honor of May 5, the Day of the Macedonian language

“Let us preserve, nurture, and promote the Macedonian language - an eternal monument of our existence.” In honor of May 5, the Day of the Macedonian Language, the “Zaev - [...]

The enrichment of the “Korchagin herbarium” has been espoused

One of the programmes that form the foundation for the existence and operation of the “Zaev - One Society for All” foundation is the Environmental Health Programme. With the understanding [...]

Nikola Markoski has shown us that success can be achieved at home, as well. Let’s support our successful Macedonian stories

Youth is a period of life when every individual lays the foundations of their professional career. Everyone is aiming to make their dreams a reality by taking advantage of all [...]

Consumable care packages for socially-vulnerable families from Lipkovo

Staying true to its goals, principles, and the essence of its name, the “Zaev - One Society for All” foundation has carried out another charitable donation. In honor of the [...]

The University clinic for plastic and reconstructive surgery in Skopje receives a surgical microscope as a donation

In honor of April 7th – World Health Day, the “Zaev – One Society for All” foundation donated an “OPMI Movena/S7” surgical microscope worth 1.306.260,oo denars with VAT included for [...]

Analyses for the “Challenges” Journal

It is a time ripe for battle between moderates and radicals and the sooner the leadership and body of the moderate left and right meet, ally, and unite, the sooner [...]

First episode of the “Success stories” series

This series of “Success Stories” is a powerful message to all Macedonian people and to all citizens, especially to young people, that one can be successful in our country as [...]

We extended support to a team from the“Dimitar Vlahov” high school returning home from Croatia with 12 awards

Our support for young and talented students will never cease. The “Zaev – One Society for All” Foundation, among other subjects, financially aided a student cooking team from the hospitality [...]

Donation of sports equipment to “Dame Gruev” elementary school in Kuklish

The “Zaev – One Society for All” Foundation cultivates cooperation with companies that share similar views and values within its activities. On the basis of this cooperation, our foundation has [...]

The names of the five specialists attending the “IRCAD” course for professional development in France have been revealed and supported by the “Zaev – One society for all” foundation

On the basis of the concluded Memorandum of Cooperation between the “Zaev – One Society for All” Foundation and the Medical Specialists Association in Skopje, Prof. Dr. Venko Filipce, a [...]

Scholarship grant for young medical specialists

The “Zaev – One Society for All” Foundation perseveres with its priority commitments to improve the health-care sector in the Republic of North Macedonia. Our Foundation has concluded a Memorandum [...]

A step to electricity

The “Zaev - One Society for All” foundation once again supports innovative and beneficial youth engagement. Iva, Mateo, Jovana, Stefan, and Vlatko are students at the municipal high school “Mirko [...]

Humanitarian aid for Turkey

The “Zaev - One Society for All” foundation along with the brand “Mama’s” and the “Total Inzenering” company have delivered humanitarian aid to the Turkish nation, intended for the residents [...]

Certificate of appreciation handed to the head of the “Zaev – One society for all” foundation at the Strumica sportsman of the year 2022 selection

One more sports recognition was handed to Zoran Zaev, the head of the “Zaev - One Society For All” foundation. At the 2022 Selection for the best athletes, sports teams, [...]

Donation to University Clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics

The "Zaev - One Society for All" Foundation, through its representatives Mrs. Zorica Zaeva and Dr. Venko Filipce, on the eve of the New Year 2023, donated an extremely important [...]

New Year’s activities with children living in homes and without parents

There is a proverb that says: "The end adorns the work." If that is the case, then the calendar end of 2022 could not be more noble, beautiful and happy [...]

Recognition for exceptional contribution to the development and affirmation of sport

Within the framework of the "Zlatna Olimpija" event, which was held in Skopje, and at which awards were given for the most successful women in sports for 2022, the Director [...]

Donation for JZU “Opshta Bolnica”

One of the most important foundations on which the existence and operation of the "Zaev - One Society for All" Foundation rests is the promotion of public health. As part [...]

Signed a Memorandum of cooperation with the Municipality of Strumica

Today, our Foundation "Zaev - One Society for All" signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Municipality of Strumica, represented by Mayor Kostadin Kostadinov. The subject of the Memorandum of [...]

The “Zaev – One Society for All” Foundation will award trainees with scholarships to train at European institutions

The "Zaev - One Society for All" Foundation will award trainees with scholarships to train at European institutions. This was stated by our representative, neurosurgeon Prof. Dr. Venko Filipche, as [...]

Visit of WFC “Tiveria” – one of the most successful women’s football clubs

Representatives of WFC "Tiveria," one of the most successful women's football teams in the country, paid a visit to the Foundation "Zaev - One Society for All" office. At the [...]

Interview for the Academic Network for the support of EU policy towards the Western Balkans

„The Prespa Agreement is a real success because it gave us the opportunity to demonstrate our ability to resolve foreign policy issues peacefully, using soft power. We have demonstrated our [...]

„Sport for the country, the country for the sport.“

“Sport for the country, the country for the sport” - The Zaev Foundation - One Society for All, was the official patron of the two-day summit of sports journalists from [...]

This is our common world

The Foundation “ZAEV – One Society for All” to the United Nations

A small gift – a lot of love

With the message “A small gift – a lot of love,” the “ZAEV Foundation – One

We are sending a message for a fight, fight for life – October, the month to fight against breast cancer

On the occasion of the celebration of October as the month for the fight

Fight for children’s rights – children’s week 2022

Every child has the right to a carefree childhood and a life of dignity.

International Day of Older Persons

Population aging is one of the characteristics of the 21st century. Demography says that the world is aging, and the number of elderly people is becoming more and more dominant. [...]

Мир, Frieden, PEACE, Paix, Mier, Pace, Fred, Paz, Nabad, Paqe, Béke

There is a different word in different countries of the world, but that word is an essential need for all citizens of the planet. PEACE – such a short word, [...]

International Day of Democracy 2022

Dear citizens, democrats, libertarians, common people, workers, businessmen, and politicians, we are living in a time of epidemic and war.

World Suicide Prevention Day

An estimated 800,000 people commit suicide each year, or one every 40 seconds, according to statistics.

Open Balkan summit in Belgrade

As part of the “Wine Vision of the Open Balkans” fair held in Belgrade, I received a large plaque from the Chamber of Commerce of North Macedonia, in recognition of […]

Celebrating World Humanitarian Day

The United Nations is celebrating this year’s World Humanity Day on August 19 under the banner “It takes a village,” which is related with the adage “It takes a village […]

Celebrating the International Youth Day

In honor of the International Youth Day on August 12, "Zaev Foundation - One Society for all" visited Amir Destanov, a student at the primary school "Brothers Ramiz and Hamid" [...]

Ukraine shows appreciation for Foundation Zaev-One society for all

Ukrainian Parliament shows appreciation for humanitarian assistance to Ukraine from North Macedonia

Friendship Day

We had the great pleasure to welcome our dear friends and guests to our beautiful city of Strumica: EU Ambassador David Gere, Ambassa…

One society for all – Zaev Foundation

The Foundation is free to promote views and opinions on issues of…

Donation to the military and the civilian population in Ukraine

Through the Zaev – One Society for All Foundation, we sent 20 tons of Macedonian humanitarian…

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