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International converence for peace and suistanable growth - 2024

"Today, as we rightly ponder the future of Europe, we recognize the pressing need to remain vigilant in safeguarding peace, democracy, and human development. If we consider ourselves champions of freedom and democracy as the core values of Europe, then it is our duty to contribute to the preservation of these European values, which fundamentally include peace, dialogue, cooperation, compromise, and mutual understanding."

-Zoran Zaev

Economist forum in Athens - 2023

At the Economist forum in Athens, taking place amidst looming threats in various global hotspots, we sought to address several pressing questions. Is an end to the war in Ukraine in sight? How much more can the situation in Israel escalate, and how imminent is the potential for the entire Middle East to go up in flames? Might we see an escalation in the situation in the north of Kosovo?
The answer lies in the alignment of moderate and progressive forces worldwide. It's imperative that we expedite the arrival of these solutions and responses, aiming to strip the radicals and extreme populists of their initiative.
As leaders of nations, both past and present, we owe it to our citizens to resolve issues, preserve peace, and establish an environment conducive to growth and an improved quality of life for all. As advocates for freedom and democracy, we stand resolute in our commitment to uphold our values until we achieve a definitive victory.
Our common thread is our resistance to the totalitarian paradigm. The unity of democratic forces, namely the moderate and progressive factions, must prevail.

-Zoran Zaev

Korcula school - 2023

"When I say that the conflict in Ukraine is, at its core, a battle of values, I am emphasizing that it is a struggle that directly involves us. It is a clash between democracy and autocracy, an ideological warfare between freedom and oppression or totalitarianism, where the two opposing concepts determine the organization of societies as either democratic, open, and free or closed, captive, and dictatorial. In light of this, the free and democratic world cannot afford to remain a passive observer in this war, just as it cannot adopt a neutral stance when it comes to both the conventional conflict and the resilience of the Ukrainian people in their fight for their homeland."

-Zoran Zaev

Delphi economic forum in Athens - 2023

Delphi, Greece is considered to be the most famous oracle in mythology and the ancient world. There, citizens, merchants, military leaders, and authorities were given advice and predictions about their actions in the future.
Meanwhile today, the Economic Forum in Delphi serves as one of the most eminent economic-political meetings in Europe where current and former leaders from various social spheres come together to define trends for the economy’s future development.
I am honored that my collaboration with the Economic Forum in Delphi has developed into a permanent and fundamental relationship in that this year I was invited to contribute to the discussion within the field of energetics.
In my presentation, I focused on the importance of collaboration between the countries in the region, emphasizing the successful joint defeat over the past winter. I appealed for a reinforcement of cooperation between the countries of the Open Balkans with Greece and Bulgaria, in anticipation of the coming winter, which is expected to pose a similar challenge.

-Zoran Zaev

Solemn session on the occasion of the holiday „The Holy Fifteen Tiberiopolis priest-martyrs“ - 2022

As one of the devoted protectors and nurturers of my beloved city's tradition and centuries-old spiritual values, I attended the Strumica Municipality Council's Solemn Session on December 11 - the Day of the Protectors of Strumica - the Holy Fifteen Tiveriopol Priest-Martyrs. It was a pleasure to feel the solemn atmosphere in which the fifteen servants of God who spread Christianity in Tiveriopol (today's Strumica) and laid down their life in that name 1660 years ago were honored with appropriate contents.
On behalf of the "Zaev - One Society for All" Foundation, I congratulate the six winners of the Annual Awards of the Municipality of Strumica, as well as the winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award - the renowned international basketball player from Strumica, Vlado Ilievski.
"Tiberiopolis grew to be like a tower visible from everywhere, giving light to the faith and the other towns of the west, and bringing people who were in the deep sea of disbelief back from the darkness of error"

-Zoran Zaev

Panel discussion: “Energy and Inflation” – University of SEU Tetovo - 2022

"The energy produced domestically is the most dependable and stable, hence North Macedonia must continue with the complete implementation of its national energy strategy. As a result, we will continue to foster an environment that will draw both domestic and foreign investment into the energy sector. We have access to the Sun for photovoltaics, locations for wind farms, and the chance to diversify our natural gas sources thanks to the interconnector with Greece. These are all excellent, old-fashioned energy investments!"

-Zoran Zaev

Open Balkan Summit in Belgrade - 2022

"Thanks to the Chamber of Commerce for the honor it showed to the leaders of these three countries for the "Open Balkans" Initiative, because only united regionally, we can do much more for the economies of all the countries that are part of the process, ensure greater economic cooperation, multiple increase in economic exchange, which will contribute to faster development of the region and well-being for our citizens."

-Zoran Zaev

EU-Western Balkans Summit in Brdo, Slovenia - 2021

"Nobody has any remarks about the reforms in North Macedonia, the citizens deserve a European future. "

-Joseph Borrell

Bled Strategic Forum - 2021

"Europe is our family and it is expected that the family will accept North Macedonia, which is in the heart of the continent. "

-Zoran Zaev

International Peace Prize of Westphalia - 2021

"Both Alexis and I are fully aware that we have put our political careers at risk. This strong commitment and the willingness to sacrifice our political careers in the name of the future connected us and guided us through the process. We chose to leave solutions as traces behind us. Solutions for our citizens and our societies and we came to a solution when everyone claimed it was impossible."

-Zoran Zaev

Regional Economic Forum in Skopje - 2021

'Today, here in Skopje, we have opened new perspectives for our countries, our peoples, our economies and our societies. The Balkans have been surrounded by walls for long enough. Today, instead of walls, we built new bridges.

-Zoran Zaev

Gala dinner of “Economist” in Athens - 2021

"North Macedonia is becoming an energy corridor for the countries of Southeast Europe. The contract for the construction of the natural gas interconnector that we are signing today with Greece opens up huge opportunities, not only for North Macedonia, but also for the entire Western Balkans and will finally bring diversification of natural gas."

-Zoran Zaev

Western Balkans Summit in Vienna - 2021

"The Western Balkans is tired of historical misunderstandings and that is why we, as modern politicians, need to look ahead and be focused on solutions. When it comes to North Macedonia, we have shown with Greece that it is possible to emerge from a process of misunderstanding as stronger friends. "

-Zoran Zaev

NATO Summit - 2021

"This is a historic moment for my country. This is the first NATO summit for North Macedonia as a full member. It is also the first 30-member NATO Summit. This is a great success for both North Macedonia and NATO."

-Zoran Zaev

Tirana Economic Summit - 2021

"The realization of the projects with the support of the EU Economic-Investment Plan for the Western Balkans ensures cooperation and long-term economic recovery of the region and accelerates the integration processes."

-Zoran Zaev

Working dinner in Paris - 2021

"It is a special honour to have this working dinner at theÉlysée Palace. Today's meeting enriches our friendly bilateral ties, in the year when we mark 28 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between North Macedonia and France."

-Zoran Zaev

Visit in Turkey - 2021

"We jointly invest in more intensive cooperation to open more doors for Turkish investors and for stronger trade ties between North Macedonia and Turkey."

-Zoran Zaev

Prespa Forum Dialogue - 2021

"That is why I strongly claim, that the Trans-Atlantic tie must be transformative, in order to respond to any challenge that we all might face in future. And this response should be unanimous, strong, stable, swift and decisive."

-Zoran Zaev

Medal in recognition by the Athens Chamber - 2021

"I express great gratitude for the dedicated work of Prime Minister Zaev and for his efforts to strengthen and promote economic cooperation between the two countries. This awarding is recognition of his great contribution to the advancement of economic and political ties between Greece and North Macedonia."

-Konstantinos Michalos

Delphi Economic Forum in Athens - 2021

"Our region should enter an era of cooperation for the prosperity of all our peoples. To strengthen economic cooperation, and investments, to strengthen trust to promote trade cooperation. "

-Zoran Zaev

Working visit to Madrid - 2021

"Our economy is developing based on the free markets principle and nurtures the best European and world values for doing business. North Macedonia is creating a friendly environment for foreign investments and this is confirmed by tens of the best renowned companies in the world"

-Zoran Zaev

Working visit to Brussels - 2021

"We are in Brussels to say that the European road needs to be unblocked urgently, but negotiations on the Macedonian identity are not an option."

-Zoran Zaev

Donation of vaccines from Serbia - 2021

"This is an act of precious friendship and a helping hand!"

-Zoran Zaev

Human Rights Award - 2020

"What Prime Minister Zaev has done for North Macedonia and Europe is extremely important, because his contribution to human rights, especially through the concept 'One Society for All', is a contribution to the values of the European Union."

-Zoran Zaev

Berlin Process - 2020

"We are entering a new phase of economic growth and our regional economic cooperation to align with the EU accession process and our future participation in the EU single market.In this context, by establishing a framework and defining concrete activities in all areas of the four EU freedoms, enriched with the digital, investment, innovation and industrial pillars, the new Common Regional Market Action Plan provides a solid foundation in that direction. "

-Zoran Zaev

Visit to NATO Headquarters in Brussels - 2020

"Our ambitions to contribute to collective security go beyond the regional environment."

-Zoran Zaev

Working visit in Athens and Economist Conference - 2020

"Together we face the same health and economic challenges, and only together can we overcome them, with closer cooperation and greater solidarity. That is why we need to continue to invest in good neighbourly relations, overcome open issues through dialogue and tolerance, and improve regional cooperation. "

-Zoran Zaev

Meeting – Tirana, Albania - 2019

"We deliver results of the cooperation – strong economies for each country and more integrated and inter-connected region on our path to EU."

-Zoran Zaev

Central European Initiative (CEI) Summit of Heads of State and Government in Rome - 2019

"In the spirit of solidarity and regional cooperation, the members of the Central European Initiative, many of them EU member-states, are propelling the process of full integration of the Western Balkans within the European Union. The visibility of these efforts after the October European Council is a great encouragement and we hope that these efforts will deliver."

-Zoran Zaev

Official visit to the Czech Republic - 2019

"As of March this year until this visit today, we have exchanged 5 visits from Macedonian and Czech highest representatives of the two countries, in both North Macedonia and the Czech Republic. This says a lot for the excellent political relations, the friendship between our two countries"

-Zoran Zaev

NATO Leaders Meeting, London - 2019

"Safe, reliable and stable, we participate in all global and democratic processes that move the world forward. North Macedonia is the 30th member country of NATO, it brings prosperity and a secure future for all our citizens, for all our children."

-Zoran Zaev

“Isa-bey Ishakovic” award - 2019

"This is a truly memorable award. These friendships are the new hope of stability, security and development - for our countries, the Balkans and Europe. The countries of the Balkans, as never before, are led by leaders who want and know how to be friends. They fight for the good of their citizens in their own countries, but with a broad awareness, as never before, that one goes forward only when the others go forward."

-Zoran Zaev

Southeast Europe Summit – Challenges and Future Perspectives - 2019

"The Prespa Agreement is a dignified and acceptable solution for both parties. It is based on a compromise that builds friendship. A compromise that is good for both sides. Our achievement encourages other leaders in the region to be committed to maintaining peace and stability, enhancing regional cooperation, boosting economic development, and being strongly committed to EU integration. The whole world has recognized us for solving the problems, and now is the time to set an example for them to take a step further."

-Zoran Zaev

Working meeting of the leaders from the Western Balkans, Ohrid - 2019

"We agreed on initiatives and measures to improve the region and to do more through the Berlin Process in order to accelerate our EU accession."

-Zoran Zaev

World Economic Forum – Geneva - 2019

"Our country is successfully developing a multi-ethnic society through the ‘One Society’ concept and rebuilding democracy."

-Zoran Zaev

Official visit of the President of the European Parliament David Sassoli - 2019

"We must continue, even stronger with the reforms, with evidence that the law rules in the country, that we have strong arguments for progress in the economy. We need those reforms the most for our sake, at home."

-Zoran Zaev

Meeting with Italian Prime Minister Conte - 2019

"Europe is our common home! "

-Giuseppe Conte, Prime Minister of Italy

Meeting Brussels – PES Meeting - 2019

"The positive decision to start negotiations means supporting and encouraging the reform process at home, but also a strong message to others in the region that difficult decisions are valued and they are a stake in a better future"

-Zoran Zaev

Trilateral meeting - 2019

"Let’s introduce the European principles of cooperation and functioning and the four EU freedoms of movement of goods, movement of persons, establish and provide services, and movement of capital."

-Zoran Zaev

74th plenary meeting of General Assembly - 2019

"Today we have only contributions from the resolved difference. We have finally completed our ID card at the UN. Besides the name Republic of North Macedonia, for language, it stands: Macedonian language, and for citizenship: Macedonian / citizen of the Republic of North Macedonia. We now have extremely good relations with Greece, and thus we have contributed to strengthening regional stability and encouraging the development of the Western Balkans."

-Zoran Zaev

Summit of the Prime Ministers of the Visegrad Group countries - 2019

"The countries of the Visegrád Group have always been strong and vocal supporters of the countries of the Western Balkans in their processes and commitments for EU integration, and ready to share their experiences of European integration processes, but also to increase economic cooperation with our country and our region."

-Zoran Zaev

Official visit of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, Brnabić - 2019

"The inauguration of the One-stop-shop concept means joint efficient management of border and customs controls for strong cooperation and it represents leadership in the regional economic connection."

-Zoran Zaev

Western Balkans Summit – Poznan, Poland - 2019

"I think we should all be proud of the results achieved. Regional cooperation has taken on a new dimension. Several projects have been implemented and many initiatives have been launched that should contribute to economic development, increased trade and better mutual understanding and reconciliation. The Berlin Process has undoubtedly proved to help achieve the strategic goal of the region - its integration into the EU."

-Zoran Zaev

Forum Europe – Wachau in the Republic of Austria - 2019

"Through dialogue, we found a solution after 28 years. We created a model for a solution while preserving the identity of both parties."

-Zoran Zaev

Official visit to Montenegro - 2019

"Traditional friendly relations between the two countries have a bright perspective for further development of economic relations."

-Zoran Zaev

Vienna Economic Forum - 2019

"Our country has a positive impact on the entire region. The Republic of North Macedonia will continue to be safe and stable, a country that cares for and offers investors appropriate conditions for developing its business. "

-Zoran Zaev

Reception of His Majesty Prince Edward, Earl of Vassex - 2019

"The partnership between Great Britain and North Macedonia will continue in the future, in areas for which the two countries have common interests."

-Zoran Zaev

EBRD Annual Meeting - 2019

"Everything that is happening in the Republic of North Macedonia after all political agreements put the country in a position to maximize its effects to accelerate its growth and development, reduce unemployment and increase the salaries of citizens. "

-Zoran Zaev

Meeting with His Holiness Pope Francis - 2019

"This historic visit is a huge recognition of the place that North Macedonia has taken in the global community of progressive countries."

-Zoran Zaev

Western Balkans Conference in Berlin - 2019

"North Macedonia and the Prespa Agreement are a positive example in the Balkans and that success is an encouragement for all countries participating in the Western Balkans Conference. "

-Zoran Zaev

16 + 1 Summit in Dubrovnik - 2019

"The Republic of North Macedonia strongly supports the 16+1 initiative. We believe that there is a huge potential to advance our partnerships, but also to create new economic and business potential."

-Zoran Zaev

Official visit of US Secretary of State Pompeo in Skopje - 2019

"As a committed strategic partner, the United States shares the common commitment and values of security, freedom and democratic prosperity in the region, as well as joint action in the fight against terrorism and other threats to world peace, including initiatives confronting disinformation and threats to democracy. "

-Zoran Zaev

Welcoming Prime Minister Tsipras - 2019

"Today is a historic milestone. When you look at the past the relations between our two countries from today's perspective, you see missed opportunities and wasted time. When you look at the future that opens before us, you see open opportunities and common interests. You see two neighbouring, friendly nations, who have shown Europe and the world that with courageous decisions and a desire for unity, what seemed impossible until yesterday is a reality today."

-Zoran Zaev

Working visit to Brussels - 2019

"Today we held the 15th meeting of the Stabilisation and Association Council between the EU and the Republic of North Macedonia, in an extremely important and historic period for our country."

-Zoran Zaev

Official visit to the Republic of Albania - 2019

"The Republic of Albania is one of our closest friends and partners, with whom I am convinced that we can, and we are working in that direction, to ensure prosperity and security, but also European perspectives of our countries and the region."

-Zoran Zaev

Official visit to Romania - 2019

"Congratulations to Prime Minister Zaev for his contribution through courage and energy in the great processes for your country, which is an inspiration for the whole region."

-Zoran Zaev

Ceremony – Rising the NATO flag - 2019

"We succeeded! We can all be proud to live in a new era, an era of building a democratic society of equal citizens striving to conquer European values."

-Zoran Zaev

Working meeting with Austrian Chancellor Kurz in Vienna - 2019

"Austria remains a strong partner of the Republic of Macedonia, which together with Greece brought the best news for the region and for the whole of Europe."

-Zoran Zaev

World Economic Forum – Davos - 2019

"We are aware that the entire region and both countries are on the right track to achieving good neighbourly relations that will support our Euro-Atlantic perspectives and contribute to the stability and economic prosperity of the Balkan region. The majority of citizens in both countries want to have close and friendly relations that contribute to strengthening cooperation. We want to stand side by side to help and support each other in challenging times."

-Zoran Zaev

Debate-Lisbon - 2018

"We have worked hard on this agreement with Prime Minister Tsipras and our teams. Of course, the support of our friends from the EU, NATO and the rest of the international community was huge. The closeness of our political commitments, the social-democratic and socialist political concepts of my colleague Tsipras, and mine was of great importance in achieving the friendly atmosphere during the negotiations."

-Zoran Zaev

Official visit to Croatia - 2018

"I support the courageous policies of Prime Minister Zaev and the Government, which finally pave the way for the deserved EU and NATO integration and have the full support of Croatia in these processes. "

- Andrej Plenković

Visit to Malta - 2018

"We will strengthen economic ties, Macedonia has political and technical support on the road to the EU."

-Zoran Zaev

First official visit of the Prime Minister of Malta, Joseph Muscat - 2018

"This visit is a strong sign that the two countries maintain and constantly promote positive and constructive bilateral relations."

-Zoran Zaev

Meeting with US Vice President Mike Pence - 2018

"Driven by the success of the agreement with Greece, we have strengthened the call for leaders in the region to unite for common goals: sustainable peace, economic development, regional cooperation and EU integration, as guarantees for a stable prevention of third party involvement in the region."

-Zoran Zaev

US Secretary of Defense James Mattis paid a visit. - 2018

"This visit and the friendly talks are a confirmation of the strong mutual support of the two countries as strategic partners who share common values."

-James Mattis

An Address to the European Parliament in Strasbourg - 2018

"This is a historic moment for the Macedonian people. This is the first time that a prime minister of our country addresses the European Parliament in his native mother language."

-Zoran Zaev

Angela Merkel is on an official visit to Skopje. - 2018

"I have a special honour, for the first time in the history of friendly relations between the two countries, to welcome a German Chancellor on an official visit to our country. "

-Zoran Zaev

Sebastian Kurz on an official visit to Skopje - 2018

"Your visit sends us the message that our country is back on the right path, on the European path. We have taken the lead, we have shown courage, we have made progress in reforms and the world has seen a positive change. They recognized the renewed sense of optimism, openness, energy, and hope that our citizens share. "

-Zoran Zaev

Visit to Jens Stoltenberg - 2018

"The citizens of our country will forever remember that the invitation to NATO, as a historic decision for the future of our country and our citizens, was personally signed by him, our friend Jens Stoltenberg on July 12 this year in Brussels. With this great gesture, NATO encouraged and accelerated the process of our country's integration into NATO, and thus strengthened our sense of belonging to the country the most powerful security organization in the world. "

-Zoran Zaev

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s visit - 2018

"NATO’s door is open, but only the people of this country can decide to walk through it. So your future is in your hands."

-Jens Stoltenberg

Mostar-Manifestation Mostar Peace Connection - 2018

"Since I received the Peace Prize last year, I am no bigger peace fighter than I was. But in myself, in a special way, I feel the responsibility that you have entrusted to me, that you have shown faith in me, here in Mostar: to continue, with even greater enthusiasm, and even greater faith that it is worth building bridges, developing and fostering friendships and through those bridges and those friendships, to create a future."

-Zoran Zaev

NATO Summit - 2018

"The citizens of your country should accept today as a great day that deserves to be celebrated, and that this invitation is a result of the fulfilled conditions and NATO standards, as well as the historic agreement on the Macedonian-Greek name issue and strategic partnership."

-Jens Stoltenberg

EU-Western Balkans (Berlin Process) Summit in London - 2018

"With the agreement reached, the Macedonian-Greek name dispute and strategic partnership with Greece, our country is recognized as a leader in the region in terms of foreign policy. "

-Zoran Zaev

Sarajevo – European Person of the Year Award - 2018

"The Balkans will never again be a powder keg, the Balkans will be European. "

-Zoran Zaev

Working visit to Brussels - 2018

"We decided on a future with more hope, well-being and prosperity for all citizens. We have a historical, centuries-old solution. A solution that strengthens the Macedonian identity!"

-Zoran Zaev

Official visit to the Republic of Austria - 2018

"The warm and friendly welcome of the delegation, and the messages of support you conveyed to us at the meeting and the working lunch, are more proof that our country in Austria has a real, great and sincere friend, for which I thank you on behalf of the citizens of my country."

-Zoran Zaev

Signing of the Prespa Agreement - 2018

"Today we are ending a dispute. We are putting an end to the long-standing differences that have raised a wall that has hampered friendly relations between the neighbours. The issue has been open for three decades. Those were three decades of uncertainty about our future. Those were three decades of serious side effects. This ceremonial act is the culmination of all our efforts. This is an expression of our commitment to finding a solution that is in the interest of the future and the citizens of our two countries. "

-Zoran Zaev

An Audience with Pope Francis - 2018

"Achieving this commitment of ours is only possible by achieving full freedom of expression of religion in the spirit of the country's multi-ethnic, multicultural and multi-religious character, and by dialogue and mutual respect for differences."

-Zoran Zaev

Vatican - 2018

"With the enlightening mission for the advancement of the Slavic and Christian civilization, Saint Cyril and his brother Saint Methodius tasked today's Macedonian state, the Macedonian people, but also other peoples and states in the Balkans, to keep a special and centuries-old place in their histories and heritages."

-Zoran Zaev

EU Summit for the Western Balkans - 2018

"Our country, with the activities of progressive political forces, has made a quantum leap and returned to the path of democratic processes for reform in the country and for intensifying the Euro-Atlantic agenda."

-Zoran Zaev

British Prime Minister Theresa May is on an official visit. - 2018

"Today's visit by the British Prime Minister Theresa May, the first in a long time of this nature, is the crown of a long-standing partnership and friendship between the two countries."

-Zoran Zaev

Visit of Donald Tusk - 2018

"The European and Atlantic perspectives of the country and the region as a whole, bring a quality life for the citizens and our countries. It is Europe's perspective united by values such as economic prosperity and a stable and secure environment for all its citizens. "

-Zoran Zaev

London – Investment Summit for the Western Balkans - 2018

"The facilitation of procedures, better coordination, cooperation and connection aim not only to boost national and regional trade but to create jobs and boost the economy."

-Zoran Zaev

Visit of Jean Claude Juncker - 2018

"With the strategy, the European Commission confirms the European future of the Republic of Macedonia as a geographical part of Europe that will become part of the political structure of the European Union."

-Zoran Zaev

Official visit to Germany - 2018

"The desire to give the world and Europe a new Balkans is strongly supported by the Federal Republic of Germany through the Berlin Process initiative. This initiative is the key motivator for the new dynamic regional cooperation at the highest political level. On this occasion, I would like to thank Chancellor Merkel for initiating the Berlin Process and for making Germany one of the strongest supporters."

-Zoran Zaev

Visit in Turkey - 2018

"The Republic of Turkey is a great friend of our country, we will develop economic cooperation for which there are conditions and interests from both sides. "

-Zoran Zaev

World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland - 2018

"The majority of citizens in our two countries want to have close and friendly relations that contribute to strengthening cooperation. We want to stand side by side to help and support each other in challenging times. "

-Zoran Zaev

Visit to the Republic of Albania - 2017

"These are two countries - European-oriented, ready to nurture minority rights."

-Zoran Zaev

World Bank International Conference - 2017

"Facilitating the flow of goods and passengers will be a serious relief for citizens and businesses. IT connection at the border crossings will mean modernization and an opportunity for our citizens to feel equal with the citizens of Europe."

-Zoran Zaev

A working visit to Brussels - 2017

"The first meeting with Prime Minister Zaev is just the beginning of a long and sincere friendship."

-Jean-Claude Juncker

Official visit to the Republic of Serbia - 2017

"Friendly relations between the two countries are a treasure and a potential for deepening cooperation in many other areas as well."

-Zoran Zaev

Meeting with Albanian President Ilir Meta - 2017

"We are building a society for all. We pledged not to divide the citizens, that everyone has the same rights and the same obligations and that all parts of our country develop equally."

-Zoran Zaev

Working trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina - 2017

"Prime Minister Zaev brought new positive energy to the Western Balkans. "

-Denis Zvizdić

Official visit to the Republic of Slovenia - 2017

"The encouragement that our country received during this visit is a sign that the right path and way of resolving the essential issues of interest to the citizens has been chosen."

-Zoran Zaev

On the sidelines of the Vienna Economic Forum - 2017

"Our country remains a committed and credible partner of the EU in tackling the challenges posed by the migrant crisis."

-Zoran Zaev

Vienna Economic Forum “Dialogue for the Future 2017” - 2017

"A small economy like ours needs to be successfully integrated into regional and global economic trends."

-Zoran Zaev

International Economic Conference in Budva, Montenegro - 2017

"Through the exchange of experiences, mobility, skilled labour, the political climate of co-operation, the cooperation of chambers, the eradication of corruption, we are sending a strong signal that this region can be an attractive place to invest."

-Zoran Zaev

The official visit of the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dusko Markovic. - 2017

"Our two friendly countries do not have open political issues and that is a great basis for the real intensification of cooperation at all levels, in the interest of the citizens of both countries."

-Zoran Zaev

Day of the United Nations - 2017

"Together with all other countries, we are committed to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). There is no legal obligation for that. There is a civilizational, humanistic and human obligation, which is much stronger than the legal one."

-Zoran Zaev

72nd United Nations General Assembly, New York - 2017

"I am convinced that we have the same goal: World peace. I am convinced that we share the same commitment: A decent life for all in a sustainable environment. I am confident that we will respond to common challenges with common solutions."

-Zoran Zaev

Performance at New York’s Columbia University - 2017

"We have learned a lot from the political crisis, from which we came out wiser, that only together, with the inclusion of everyone in society, with everyone being part of the solution and with patience, the desired goal can be achieved."

-Zoran Zaev

Meeting with the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte - 2017

"We welcome the steps taken by the state towards building good neighbourly relations and regional cooperation."

-Mark Rutte

Meetings in the USA - 2017

"The UN is a place for short meetings and conversations with many of our friends from around the world."

-Zoran Zaev