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The names of the five specialists attending the “IRCAD” course for professional development in France have been revealed and supported by the “Zaev – One society for all” foundation

On the basis of the concluded Memorandum of Cooperation between the “Zaev – One Society for All” Foundation and the Medical Specialists Association in Skopje, Prof. Dr. Venko Filipce, a member of the board at our foundation, announced our intention to grant scholarships for professional development in France to five medical specialists three months ago. It concerns a specialized course at the IRCAD Institute, one of the most distinguished French centers for experimental surgery that has been part of the University Hospital in Strasbourg for nearly three decades.

The committee responsible for selecting candidates at the Medical Specialists Association has chosen the five specialists who will be attending the course at the IRCAD Institute on the basis of established criteria revealed in the call. The selected candidates are: Dr. Simona Sapundjija, ENT specialist; Dr. Martina Ambardjieva, urology specialist; Dr. Slobodanka Cvetkova, anesthesiology specialist; Dr. Stefan Krstevski, abdominal surgery specialist; and Dr. Monika Simonovska, abdominal surgery specialist.

The ”Zaev – One Society for All” Foundation extends its congratulations to the selected specialists by wishing them a successful stay at the IRCAD Institute and hoping they obtain useful knowledge to put in practice in our healthcare system.

Cleaving to our planned program activities, our foundation has, once again, proved to care for public health, delineating it as a priority in our work. The public’s health is above all else.