The successful performance of Macedonian pianists Maznejkovi in Slovenia was espoused by our Foundation

There is nothing quite like offering unreserved and wholehearted support to young artists who achieve remarkable success both at home and abroad, while simultaneously promoting Macedonian culture and art beyond our borders.

Recently, an electro-acoustic concert took place in Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia, featuring integral performances of two collections from the cycle “In the World of Miracles” by Macedonian composer Ana Pandevska. The concert showcased the talents of young pianists from Strumica, Ana Maznejkova and Ivana Maznejkova.

The realization of this concert project was financially supported by the “ZAEV – One Society for All” Foundation. It is worth noting that Zoran Zaev, the founder and director of the foundation, has previously supported the ultra-talented Maznejkovi sisters, as he has always championed his true values.

The concert featured 16 compositions and was organized by the director of the music school in Slovenj Gradec, where the event was held. Macedonian pianist Maja Kastratović, who lives and works in Slovenia and is a supporter of our humanitarian efforts, also contributed valuable insights during the organizational period.

Reports from Slovenia describe the concert as “magical,” with the exceptional musicianship of Ana and Ivana inspiring the audience and earning them enthusiastic applause. Consequently, Slovenian students expressed interest in playing compositions by Macedonian composers.

The “ZAEV – One Society for All” Foundation will continue to support young, talented artists for the betterment and growth of Macedonian culture and art.

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