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Annual report 2023

Every day we fight for better tommorow and give help where is most needed and build our world

We live in a time of many challenges of different natures. We live in an imperfect age, an imperfect world, and an imperfect society. All imperfect things affect others. I know that the term “utopia”, first mentioned by the famous Thomas More, represents a kind of “denial” of the existence of a perfect society. But if everything around us is so imperfect, if the majority of the human population believes that perfection does not exist, the question arises – should we put up with it? I say no. We should do something, even if it is imperfect, instead of giving up the pursuit of perfection. The search for perfection should not take us on long and exhausting roads. No, it is very close. That perfection, or at least that step, two, or three, is within us, in our hearts and souls, but only if there is harmony between man and humanity. Bearing in mind these thoughts of mine, in which I am not alone, I remain at the helm of my ideal called “one society for all”, an ideal that has become the main part of the name of the foundation that I proudly manage. Fortunately, that pride is not only mine, but it is also the members of the Foundation – wonderful people with bright perceptions of life and the world.

I am strengthened by my faith in “ZAEV – One society for all”, in the mission, vision, and justification of our existence, both as a Foundation and as people. But I am also strengthened by my faith in those who helped us realize our numerous activities, all those with whom we share the same views and values.

Our imagined “apogee” is not reached by conquering several flights of stairs at once, but by climbing one step at a time. I perceive the second year of the foundation’s existence only as the second step climbed toward the goal we intend to reach, towards that “apogee” of ours, towards that common good.

Supported the project “From a step to electricity” – Secondary School “Mirko Milevski” – Kichevo

Sent humanitarian aid to the victims of the earthquake in Turkey

Awarded scholarships to five trainees at the IRCAD institute in Strasbourg, France

What would cement “do” without sand? Its function would be meaningless if there was no “symbiosis” between the two things. But such a “symbiosis” is simply impossible if there is no water? When the cement, sand and water are well mixed, we get a mixture that works miracles with armature, but also with other materials. This is how houses or other buildings “sprout”. Whether those buildings will be small or large is completely irrelevant. What is relevant is for them to have a solid foundation and be resistant to any external influences.

With what I have written, I do not intend to “talk” about construction, but I want to compare construction materials with people – the members of a society. If each of the building materials has its specifics according to which it differs from the others, so do the people in society differ according to their gender, nationality, religion, culture, social and political affinity, age, etc. From this comparative thought process comes the moral: just as our homes are made of different building materials, our society is home to all who make it, regardless of our differences. This is why we believe in “one society for all”, even though that belief moves along a “slalom path” from dream to reality and avoids the “doors” set by those who do not have that belief.

Donated surgical microscope to the University Clinic for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Skopje

Financial support for travel to the USA for the winners of the “NASA SPACE APPS CHALLENGE” – 2023

Donated sports equipment for OOU “Dame Gruev” – Kuklish

“We have no right to enjoy happiness if we do not share it with others” – said the famous Nobel laureate George Bernard Shaw. It seems to me that this wisdom has an unlimited shelf life, although it dates back to another time, although the age in which we live is characterized more and more by emphatic egoism.

However, despite everything, I am confident that the manifestation of escape from positive human characteristics is “short-tracked”.

I have already said once, and I feel the need to say it again: “Kindness and humanity should not be unknown nouns to us or just “tenants” who come and go. They should always be a part of us. This is not taught. It is a product of our emotions. And a person is a person when they know how to listen to those emotions without locking them in. A person is a person when they are capable of opening their heart to all people, just like a beautiful gift causes even more beautiful feelings. Those feelings called “happiness” equally belong to both the “gifted” and the “giver”.

Supported the team from SOUD “Dimitar Vlahov” from Strumica for participation in the International Gastronomic Festival “Pearl Sea” in Supetar na Brač, Croatia

Provided humanitarian aid and food products to socially vulnerable families from Lipkovo

Supported the Bio Club at SUGS High School “Rade Jovchevski – Korchagin” from Skopje for the enrichment of the “Korchagin Herbarium”

Each of us has only one day of birth. We celebrate that day only once a year, calling it a “birthday”. But human possibilities and achievements are limitless. When we manage to turn will, faith, and determination into a virtuous “triptych”, then we have succeeded in making the impossible possible. In doing so, we give ourselves many more days of self-discovery and self-fulfillment, days in which we can freely say: “today, I was born again.” We can experience such new births only if we view the hand extended for support as a vital need like water, like bread.

Provided cash prizes for the authors of the best essays for the Competition of the Macedonian Language Institute “Krste Misirkov”, on the occasion of May 5 – Day of the Macedonian Language

Financially supported the series “Three days in Lerin and Mala Prespa” produced by the portal “”

Supported the action “We plant health”, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health

We must not equate our perception of society with watching a play in which the division of characters is reduced to main, secondary and extras. Nor should we view it as something that began with the raising of the curtain at the beginning and its lowering at the end, a play where we are all just an audience. Such an attitude is a manifestation of indifference. Such indifference is an acute pain that we must prevent from becoming chronic. People increasingly “forget” to rejoice in the joys of others and grieve with the sorrows of others. To make the world even worse, people rejoice at other people’s sadness and grieve for other people’s happiness. In such a gray constellation of relations between people, it is nice to find a place where there are still exceptions, faithful to the true human values and moral principles, ready through their own examples to be a real cure for said pain. Our foundation, among other things, cherishes its aspiration to be the “alarm clock” that wakes up the human in humanity.

Produced YouTube video series “Success Stories” for young successful everyday people

Supported the first Macedonian analog astronaut at NASA, Martina Dimoska

Sponsored the 30th-anniversary festival of folk and pop compositions “Ohrid Fest” 2023

Every person is a “child” of their actions. The imprints that one leaves on others last forever. That’s why it is crucial for those prints to be a product of benevolence, not the opposite. The former impacts people like a hug, the latter as a painful carving in their hearts.

While we are young, we are the product of our parents’ upbringing, but as we mature, it is essential to build ourselves according to the moral principles that we choose for ourselves. Choosing those principles is like selecting a destination toward which we patiently travel. It is up to us whether that destination will be a quaint and tame picture, a feast for the eyes or the soul, or a wasteland unfit for the human senses. We, from the “Zaev – One Society for All” foundation, have chosen the former.

Awarded scholarships to 68 talented students from Strumica primary and secondary schools, in cooperation with the Municipality of Strumica

Awarded scholarship support to students of second-cycle studies for youth work at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius” – Skopje

Donated to the Elementary School with Resource Center (Special Elementary School) “St. Kliment Ohridski” from Novo Selo

Borders, as administrative lines, are drawn by people to separate them from each other on various grounds. Some of those borders have been drawn a long time ago, and some are still being erased and redrawn. Unfortunately, we live in a time when people increasingly create invisible boundaries around themselves. Fortunately, there is still kindness, empathy, humanity, and love that erase borders in the best possible way and overcome all barriers. All those things let us know that we should speak with the universal language of humanity, the language that will allow us to share happiness with those with whom we share the common denominator – man. Not the man from the Latin saying “Homo homini lupus est” (Man is a wolf to man), but the one who is capable of contributing to the beautification of the world, with a determined aspiration that one fine day, that saying will disappear from the list of the wisdom.

Sponsored the International Theater Festival “Saint Joakim Osogovski 2023” in Kriva Palanka

Donated to “SOS Children’s Village”

Donated equipment for the needs of PHI University Clinic for Digestive Surgery

Some people equate value with price. These two words may be similar in meaning, but they are fundamentally different. A real example of that is humanity. It has value but no price. Only with such a distinction between one and the other, only in conditions where kindness will not demand to be reciprocated with kindness, I see the society of my dreams, which would have several names: society – protection, society – support, society – opportunity, society – hope, society – faith, society – care, society – source of mutual love, etc. The foundation “Zaev – One society for all” is for a society with such values.

Provided the main sponsorship for the Junior Balkan Olympiad in Informatics

Donated six motorcycles to strengthen the capacities of the Ministry of the Interior

Supported the Center for Daycare and individual treatment “Edupraktica”, for the purchase of sensory-didactic props

Donated 40 medical screens to PHI General Hospital Strumica

We are not alone in this world, nor are we alone in this century. How can we change the world we live in, how can we better our society, if we ourselves do not change, if we do not become better, more responsible, and more determined in walking through life? Our life is one and it should be used wisely. If so, then every empty step and every improvised act is just wasted time with an intention to leave a recognizable mark on our existence and on the existence of the society to which we belong. Self-respect, not self-love, is one of the prerequisites to have respect for other people and to manifest love and kindness with all their features. Our foundation, with fidelity to its own principles, understandings, and ethical norms, consistently nurtures the receptors of its senses, through which it created the mosaic of engagements in 2023. In that spirit, we continue our journey toward the set goal.

Carried out activities sith the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy to give out 300 packages of food products for socially vulnerable families and another 250 packages in cooperation with the “Umbrella” association.

Supported the visit to Mavrovo for children from the “11 October” and “25 May” homes from Skopje

Suppored the Humanitarian Association “Dr. Trajce Neškovski” for the pre-New Year’s event “A smile for every child” in Gostivar

Waking up is the most beautiful moment in my everyday life because that awakening gives freedom to my thought, how to create the new day and how to direct its most beautiful features to those whose awakening may not be filled with enough sunshine. The sun rises equally for all, and all but one should enjoy its warmth. In conditions of perfect imperfection or imperfect perfection, we have touched the third step of our upward journey towards the ideal – one society for all…