We live in a time of many challenges of different natures. We live in an imperfect age, an imperfect world, and an imperfect society. All imperfect things affect others. I know that the term “utopia”, first mentioned by the famous Thomas More, represents a kind of “denial” of the existence of a perfect society. But if everything around us is so imperfect, if the majority of the human population believes that perfection does not exist, the question arises – should we put up with it? I say no. We should do something, even if it is imperfect, instead of giving up the pursuit of perfection. The search for perfection should not take us on long and exhausting roads. No, it is very close. That perfection, or at least that step, two, or three, is within us, in our hearts and souls, but only if there is harmony between man and humanity. Bearing in mind these thoughts of mine, in which I am not alone, I remain at the helm of my ideal called “one society for all”, an ideal that has become the main part of the name of the foundation that I proudly manage. Fortunately, that pride is not only mine, but it is also the members of the Foundation – wonderful people with bright perceptions of life and the world.
I am strengthened by my faith in “ZAEV – One society for all”, in the mission, vision, and justification of our existence, both as a Foundation and as people. But I am also strengthened by my faith in those who helped us realize our numerous activities, all those with whom we share the same views and values.
Our imagined “apogee” is not reached by conquering several flights of stairs at once, but by climbing one step at a time. I perceive the second year of the foundation’s existence only as the second step climbed toward the goal we intend to reach, towards that “apogee” of ours, towards that common good.