ZAEV Academy for Young Leaders 24-25

The framework of the "ZAEV Academy for Young Leaders" is provided with the participants to be able to work individually and in groups with prominent individuals, acquire leadership skills, and promote their professional growth and development. The exact number of participants, the required professional qualifications and competencies, the application process, the selection process, and the exact program with lectures and interactive workshops, seminars and study visits will be further defined. The realization of this Academy is planned to be composed with marking

24 January - International Day of Education

Winter Module to mark the International Day of Education on 24 January, declared by the United Nations General Assembly, which will be realized by encouraging creative thinking among young people using analysis of research projects based on scientific methods. Through this activity, young people will be educated on how to use scientific methods through the formulation, testing and validation of a hypothesis, and to have applicable results from the research project. It will be an activity with an interdisciplinary character, which envisages an inclusive approach in the formation of the teams that will be participants in the “ZAEV Academy for Young Leaders from the Western Balkans”.

12 August - International Youth Day

Summer Module will start with the celebration of the International Youth Day on 12 August declared by the United Nations General Assembly, through a series of activities. The above activities will be aimed at motivating young people to be more actively involved in all areas of social life and to be encouraged in making vital decisions. Activities that young people should take for their future, to ensure their better positioning in society.

These days will be observed through the following activities:

 "Leadership Innovation Lab" Workshops:

  • Theme-based Workshops: Organize workshops centered around specific leadership themes such as ethical leadership, digital transformation and crisis management, where each lab could include simulations and interactive problem-solving exercises.
  • Tech Integration: Introduce technology tools for leadership, such as digital collaboration platforms, AI and virtual reality team dynamics.

 "Leadership in Action" Series:

  • Field Visits: Include visits to successful organizations, social enterprises and community projects to see leadership in action and learn from real-world examples.
  • Live Case Studies: Invite business leaders to present current challenges their organizations face, allowing participants to work in teams to develop and present solutions.

"Global Mentorship Network":

  • Cross-sector Matching: Pair young leaders with mentors from diverse sectors (corporate, nonprofit, government) to provide a well-rounded perspective.
  • Impact-driven Goals: Encourage mentors and mentees to set specific, impact-driven goals for their mentorship journey, such as launching a project or achieving a significant career milestone.

"Reverse Innovation Mentorship":

  • Role Reversal Sessions: Organize sessions where mentees lead discussions on emerging trends and technologies, providing insights to their mentors and fostering a twoway learning experience.
  • Intergenerational Dialogue: Facilitate intergenerational dialogue events where young leaders and seasoned professionals discuss and exchange ideas on leadership, innovation and societal impact.
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