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Financial support for the International Theater Festival “Saint Joakim Osogovski 2023”

The “ZAEV – One Society for All” Foundation remains committed to bolstering cultural endeavors, initiatives, and traditional events that promote the cultural values in the Republic of North Macedonia, thereby enhancing their recognition on the international stage.

As a result of this objective, our foundation has entered into a Sponsorship Agreement with the Association for the Promotion of Theater Arts, known as the “Theater Festival,” based in Kriva Palanka. Under this agreement, we announce the provision of financial support in the amount of 300,000 denars to facilitate the realization of the 15th edition of the International Theater Festival “Saint Joakim Osogovski 2023.”

This esteemed international festival, scheduled to run from September 28th to October 7th this year, boasts a program featuring nine theatrical productions from Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and North Macedonia, along with a variety of accompanying activities.

Our commitment to endorsing such cultural events and projects of national significance will remain a central focus in the foreseeable future.

``We can be the best, but art will still make us better.``

Zoran Zaev

Director and founder