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Donation for organizing a chess tournament for visually impaired individuals

In collaboration with the Municipality of Strumica, we awarded scholarships to talented primary and secondary school students

Support for the International Hackathon - "NASA Space Apps Challenge"

We are supporting the production of video messages on children’s rights and responsibilities

Support for the organization of the sports event “Policijada”

The successful performance of Macedonian pianists Maznejkovi in Slovenia was espoused by our Foundation

A book published in memory of President Boris Trajkovski with the support of our Foundation

Food, clothes, and school supplies for children in foster care

We sponsored the 32nd Chamber Theater Festival "Risto Shishkov"

“The Spoiled Prince” spoils the children of Strumica with the support of our foundation

Supported by the Foundation: Up to Seven Awards in Italy

Financial support for the Strumica volunteering fire fighters society

Donation for the „Tanec“ Ensemble

The International Conference on Peace and Sustainable Development as a global forum for the power of diplomacy and dialogue in times of crisis

Supported the Second World Conference for Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation

Support for the Third "Classic International Strumica Festival"

Support for the Fem Camp for young educators

12 medals for the Macedonian fudokan karate federation and Strumica karatekas from KC „Shihan“ at the European championship in Slovenia

Laminate donated to the Konche kindergarten

Espoused the oil wrestling tournament in Kuklish

Support for macedonian educators at the international educational conference in Banja Luka

Financial support for "The masked concert" by music school "Boro Djoni" Strumica

Donation to Shtip shareholders from the association “Way of youth”

Two donations made to institutions in Skopje and Tetovo in a single day

Dedicated donation for DUCOR "Partenija Zografski" - Skopje

Sponsorship for the inaugural Macedonian cyclist - participant in the European Championship

Donation of an ambulance to PHI General Hospital - Strumica

The youth should be loud and active

For a more humane society

300 food packages provided for socially vulnerable families

40 Medical Screens Donated to PHI General Hospital Strumica

Recognition of our foundation - Major sponsor at Junior balkan olympiad in informatics

For a free and civil society

Donation to the Macedonian police

Sanja Arsovska, successful мacedonian actress

Donation for JZU Uneversity clinic for degistive hirurgy

Presentation of scholarships to 68 exemplary primary and secondary school students from the municipality of Strumica

Bitola bowling team "Pelister 1982" shines at NBC Cup in Croatia Sponsored by Our Foundation

Karateka Puliksenija – our newest success story

Donations for students at POU “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Novo Selo

Supporting the “PRESPA” newspaper for the Macedonian community in Albania

Support for the first Macedonian Analog Astronaut

Alexander’s success story

We present to you the third episode of “Success stories”, SAU Tigar

“Planting health” with the Ministry of health

The enrichment of the “Korchagin herbarium” has been espoused

Nikola Markoski has shown us that success can be achieved at home, as well. Let’s support our successful Macedonian stories

Consumable care packages for socially-vulnerable families from Lipkovo

The University clinic for plastic and reconstructive surgery in Skopje receives a surgical microscope as a donation

First episode of the “Success stories” series

We extended support to a team from the“Dimitar Vlahov” high school returning home from Croatia with 12 awards

Donation of sports equipment to “Dame Gruev” elementary school in Kuklish

A step to electricity

Humanitarian aid for Turkey

Certificate of appreciation handed to the head of the “Zaev - One society for all” foundation at the Strumica sportsman of the year 2022 selection

Donation to University Clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Recognition for exceptional contribution to the development and affirmation of sport

Scholarships to train trainees at European institutions

WFC Tiverija

Sport for the country, the country for the sport

We are sending a message for a fight, fight for life – October, the month to fight against breast cancer

Fight for children’s rights – children’s week 2022

Мир, Frieden, PEACE, Paix, Mier, Pace, Fred, Paz, Nabad, Paqe, Béke

Open Balkan summit in Belgrade

Celebrating the International Youth Day