In collaboration with the Municipality of Strumica, we awarded scholarships to talented primary and secondary school students

Investing in talented students is investing in the future and development of our society. Such an investment by the Municipality of Strumica and the Foundation “ZAEV – One Society for All” took place these days in the “Youth Center” of Strumica, where certificates for scholarships were awarded to talented regular students from primary and secondary schools from the municipality of Strumica. A total of 74 students received certificates, as the most successful in the past school year (winners of municipal, regional, state and international competitions). Of these, the Municipality of Strumica awarded 51 certificates, to 23 high school students and 28 elementary school students, and the “ZAEV – One Society for All” Foundation provided scholarships to 23 students, 10 high school students and 13 elementary school students.
Scholarships for high school students amount to 2500 denars per month, and for primary school students 2000 denars, for a duration of 9 months in the current school year 2024/25. The awarding of scholarship certificates to talented students from primary and secondary schools from the municipality of Strumica was preceded by a public call, to which a record number of students who met the prescribed conditions and criteria applied.
By the way, this is the second year in a row in which the Municipality and our foundation, based on a previously signed Memorandum of Cooperation, have successfully provided scholarships to talented elementary and high school students from Strumica.

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