Supported the Second World Conference for Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation

“Today, the need for dialogue and religious tolerance is greater than ever, and this need significantly impacts global security like never before. We should continue to make an effort to become united by way of religion, not divided. It is our duty because our country is a crossroads of different cultures and religions, with a tradition of ethnic and religious tolerance and a society that respects humanism. I wish you a fruitful discussion in the coming days and a successful conference.” This is the final part of the letter from the “ZAEV – One Society for All” Foundation, read at the opening ceremony of the 2nd World Conference on Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation, held from June 19 to 22 at Hotel “Sirius” in Strumica.

The “ZAEV – One Society for All” Foundation has firmly supported this world conference, backing the organizers from the Center for Intercultural Studies and Research at the Philosophical Faculty in Skopje at the University of “St. Cyril and Methodius.”

At the 2nd World Conference on Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation, 60 plenary speakers from 22 countries across Europe, North America, Africa, Asia, and Australia spoke on important issues related to religion and its role in international relations and diplomacy.

Given that the headlines, goals, and themes of the conference align with our foundation’s principles, our support was unequivocal. We remain committed to nurturing and supporting values that promote community, cooperation, and dialogue.

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