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International Day of Older Persons

Population aging is one of the characteristics of the 21st century.

Demography says that the world is aging, and the number of elderly people is becoming more and more dominant. It is assumed that this significant social transformation, in just one decade, will lead to an increase in the elderly by 46% globally, and in the coming decades that number is expected to grow to 20% of the total world population. This means that the number of elderly people will be greater than any other population in the world.

Our current and future engagements should be aimed at ensuring a quality and dignified life for the elderly. It implies: raising awareness regarding existing discrimination, inequality and intergenerational barriers; prevention of processes that accelerate aging; creating opportunities for longer living based on an active physical and mental life, improving public, social and health services, providing conditions for active aging, etc.

Old people are not just any people. These are our, your, their mothers and fathers, and grandparents. These are the individuals who have amassed wisdom, knowledge, and experience. These are the people who have contributed significantly to the development and advancement of the neighborhood, society, and humanity throughout their lives and professional careers, leaving a wealth of imprints and values in their wake.

The elderly deserve to live their lives on their own terms. Because we will already be in their position “tomorrow,” let’s respect them so that we can be respected in return.

On the occasion of the International Day of the Elderly, the Foundation “ZAEV – One Society for All” donates sports equipment to the Association of Pensioners – Strumica.

Happy October 1 – International Day of the Elderly.

You're never too old to set up a new goal or to dream a new dream

Clive S. Lewis

British writer